IMPORTANT NOTICE - COMPLETING THIS FORM DOES NOT CONFIRM YOUR BOOKING. This is for the purpose of making enquiries for potential bookings, it may be that there may already be a booking. Your booking will NOT be confirmed until we send you a follow up email confirming the booking and then you pay and sign the contract within the subsequent seven days.
New members will not be eligible for reduced hall booking hire costs until they have been members for a minimum of six months.
This calendar shows confirmed hall bookings in yellow, to make a booking request please click the button below and complete our Hall Booking Request Form. This is just a request at this stage .
ALL bookings are only fully confirmed once we have a signed contract (to remain in the social club), a paid deposit and hire fee recieved and an email sent to you to confirm your booking is fully complete.
We will endeavour to contact you with regards to your booking within 10 working days of making an enquiry.
Please note; there may be additional charges for excess electricity usage e.g. hog roasts.
Please ensure you put your membership number on the online booking form to ensure the reduced membera rate. Members need to have had a membership for 12 months or more to be able to book the hall at the discounted Members rate. Please note; all bookings must be made using a valid debit/credit card. We are unable to take cash bookings.
We are unable to accept children's parties on Saturdays unless there is availability within 30 days of the booking. We are unable to supply DJs, entertainment or catering for events.
If you have any queries please email